Thursday, September 16, 2010

Get a move on

With a vision you know what you want to do.  A mission broadly states how you will travel there. Strategies are the road you will travel on.  Objectives being the little things that you expect to see or do as you travel along.    So how do people get lost on route?

The short list is as follows
  • procrastination
  • pontification
  • vagueness
  • non belief
  • inflexibility
  • selfishness
  • no timetable
  • fear.
The only thing that anyone of us can rely on is our departure is not probable but a fact.  What we do in the mean time is up to each one of us to get started on... yesterday.

Being specific saves a lot of wasted energy.  Keep us all on the road we have chosen for our selves.  Allows for growth, change, communication and inclusion of others.  Does it really matter if they join you, you join them or there is a merging of the bandwagons along the journey.  Just get started. Learn by the mistakes.  Throw away the extra baggage. Travel lightly. Make the journey. Plan ahead.  Have fun.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Overview of cve4me

The overview consists of three things
  • Vision
    • To stimulate the capital factors within a community development spectrum.
  • Mission
    • working collaboratively in a cooperative
  • Just who and what is Clear Vision Enterprises
    • Clear Vision Enterprises holds that by enabling people to recognise just what gifts and talents they already have and then to slowly become active and participate in small but integrated activity program people are giving themselves another chance.  Where every little bit helps others too recognise their own goals.  Given time, participatory interest as, well as recognition, support and encouragement people involved are able to reach out for something to hold onto.   To be assured that the world will not stop because they need time out refocusing their beliefs, and sense of self.
    • Essentially what those interested form are interest groups.
    • The interest group pool into various managing groups. 
    • Run through a cooperative system of management these groups are diverse in their character and structure.
    • Money raised through the produce and products created assist a voluntary, not for profit, community group further their services within the community.

At this point in time

Clear Vision Enterprises is a smll privately run business whose primary focus is to awaken people in their capacity to 'do' things. 

There are four basic steps to the management of this process:

From interests to enterprise

What ever these things are.

One the thing that the people do
  •  is recognised, 
  •  the need to do this thing is stuimulted,
  • that person desires to be with or near others also doing similar things. 
Then their are several people doing similar things a cooperative is either formed - or joined. 

Cooperatives are their to support people in their interests, organise people of like interests to share ideas and talents.
  • working together 
    • as an individual
    • in pairs
    • as small groups.
  •  being included in the enterprise overall plan being actioned.