- Have started this project a few years ago -like when the Internet first started!!!-
- I focused only on the one topic.
- Building up a viewer base
- Got this one topic done and went onto another new blog with a different focus
- Utilised the social networking sites.
- knew how to use the social networking sites properly.
- Had guest writers..
I then met an overseas student going back to their home. I simply asked if that person would share with me photos of places I might like to visit in a country I might never have the money to visit. I later suggested that maybe if I invited them as a coauthor they could down load a pictures and write their own blurb directly onto the travel blog describing what the picture was about, the best time to see the place and a little about the places history.
Well the first invitations have gone out to this person and a few more. It will be interesting to see what else happens and if this actually works.
After that I got to think about gardening, household management and even Girl Guides things going on line once again.
Okay simple as it sounds there maybe human factors to consider. The one like yes well do this but we don't really want to, so we wont replay. This decision is theirs to make. However I would like to know up front and I would stop the query there. However I know that if I could just keep asking I will one day get someone who follows through with a post and article.