Saturday, October 8, 2011

Paper Crafts to make

Animals and insects

Card making

Hair decorations

Jigsaw puzzles


Note pad

Paper Chains

Paper flowers

Picture making

Recycled paper

Table Decorations


Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sourdough Starter Culture

This is a basic recipe for a sour dough starter.  Altitude, climate factors and type of flour may alter the result.  The result you are looking for is a fairly mild and fruity flavour


  • all-purpose wheat flour
  • water

Preparation and Maintenance

  1. In a plastic container (I use a big yogurt container) combine equal parts (by weight) of flour and water, ca. 1/4 lb or 150g of each. Mix well.
  2. Cover, put in a warm place for a day or more until the mixture starts to develop bubbles and a light smell of fruit and yeast.
  3. At that point, add same amount of flour and water. Let stand for another day.
  4. On the next day, discard half of the emergent starter and again add the same amount of flour and water.
  5. Repeat for a few more days until the starter has stabilized and is very bubbly.
  6. At that point you can move the starter to the fridge. Feed it every 3-4 weeks by stirring well, discarding half of the starter (you can use it for baking) and adding the same amount of flour and enough water to keep the consistency. Leave out of the fridge for a few hours before putting it back.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Adapted from:
      Steffen's Dinners

Friday, August 12, 2011

Children's Biscuits

Teddy Bear Biscuits

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Modern Optical Illusions

  • 2.5D
  • Mling
  • Faux Painting
  • Photorealism
  • Anamorphosis
  • Optical illusion
  • Ubiquitous gaze
  • Still life painting

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Make your bubble wands

Try these easy innovative bubble wands for more bubble-making fun. 

Remember: Just experiment with blowing bubbles using different items.

  • Bend the opening of a coat hanger into a large circle

  • Green plastic baskets strawberries come in

  • Tuna can with both ends cut out (careful of sharp edges)

  • Fly swatters with holes

  • Covers of yogurt containers with the center cut out

  • To pieces of plastic 

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Make you own Bubbles

A 'Best" Bubble soultion
Beluga bubbles
Long life Bubble solution
More bubbles
New formula

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dough recipes

We have used several different recipes for playdough. Everyone it seems brings with them an updated version. So we've started a list of them

Smelly Tip: For nice smelling play dough, add a few drops of vanilla extract, almond extract, or peppermint extract

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Moulding materials recipes

Plaster of Paris

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camp fire index

Basics check list
Building a camp fire
Camp fire songs list
Entry and entrances

Camp fire recipes
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Making your own garlic oils

A safer method
Traditional method

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Containers for face paint

Container holder made with

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Different face paints to make

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Make your own paints

Art paints
Face paints

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face painting equipment

Containers for

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Plasticine  recipe 1

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Printing alternatives

  • Hand and feet, templates,
  • large sponge shapes.
  • Finger tips
  • Fly swatters.
  • Scrunched up plastic
  • Large wooden forks
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Bottle tops
  • Marble and golf ball rolling
  • Potato mashes.
  • Pine cones
  • Egg lifer
  • Bubble wrap
  • Corks,
  • Grass heads
  • Leaves

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

Alternatives to paint brushes

  • Roll on deodorant containers
  • paint rollers
  • sponge brushes.
  • sponges.
  • feathers
  • flowers
  • cotton buds
  • pegs holding either a cotton ball or small piece of sponge.
  • string.
  • Leave
  • wool
  • shaving brush
  • tooth brush
  • bottle brush
  • dish mop
  • twiggs
  • squeeze bottles
  • squirt bottles
  • spray bottles
  • paddle pop sticks
  • cardboard combs
  • grass heads
  • Scrunched up plastic

  • Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Making your own glue or paste

    Basic Glue with flour.
    Glue made with cornflour.
    Lint Glue
    Lint paste
    paper Mache Recipe
    paper Mache Paste

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Make your own art paint

    There are so many different ways to use paint to achieve the end effect that you want. . So it makes sense to have different basic paint mixes to achieve different end effects as well.

    Basic Paint
    Finger paint
    Whipped soap finger paint

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    Teddy Bear Picnics


    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011


    1. A course of action that one intends to follow.
    a. An aim that guides action; an objective.
    b. intentions Purpose with respect to marriage: honorable intentions.
    3. Medicine The process by which or the manner in which a wound heals.
    4. Archaic Import; meaning.

    intention, intent, purpose, goal, end, aim, object, objective
    These nouns refer to what one plans to do or achieve. Intention simply signifies a course of action that one proposes to follow: It is my intention to take a vacation next month.
    Intent more strongly implies deliberateness: The executor complied with the testator's intent.
    Purpose strengthens the idea of resolution or determination: "His purpose was to discover how long these guests intended to stay" (Joseph Conrad).
    Goal may suggest an idealistic or long-term purpose: The college's goal was to raise ten million dollars for a new library.
    End suggests a long-range goal: The candidate wanted to win and pursued every means to achieve that end.
    Aim stresses the direction one's efforts take in pursuit of an end: The aim of most students is to graduate.
    An object is an end that one tries to carry out: The object of chess is to capture your opponent's king.
    Objective often implies that the end or goal can be reached: The report outlines the committee's objectives.

    intention [ɪnˈtÉ›nʃən]
    1. a purpose or goal; aim it is his intention to reform
    2. (Law) Law the resolve or design with which a person does or refrains from doing an act, a necessary ingredient of certain offences
    3. (Medicine) Med a natural healing process, as by first intention, in which the edges of a wound cling together with no tissue between, or by second intention, in which the wound edges adhere with granulation tissue
    4. (usually plural) design or purpose with respect to a proposal of marriage (esp in the phrase honourable intentions)
    5. an archaic word for meaningintentness

    Intertion noun 

    Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Refrence : The Free Dictionary


    ob·jec·tive  (b-jktv)
    1. Of or having to do with a material object.
    2. Having actual existence or reality.
    a. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. See Synonyms at fair1.
    b. Based on observable phenomena; presented factually: an objective appraisal.
    4. Medicine Indicating a symptom or condition perceived as a sign of disease by someone other than the person affected.
    5. Grammar
    a. Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun or pronoun that serves as the object of a verb.
    b. Of or relating to a noun or pronoun used in this case.
    1. Something that actually exists.
    2. Something worked toward or striven for; a goal. See Synonyms at intention.
    3. Grammar
    a. The objective case.
    b. A noun or pronoun in the objective case.
    4. The lens or lens system in a microscope or other optical instrument that first receives light rays from the object and forms the image. Also called object glassobjective lensobject lens.

    ob·jective·ly adv.
    ob·jective·ness n.

    Altered to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    The Free Dictionary

    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

    Birds seen on camp

    • Cockatoos
      • Sulphur-creasted
      • Black
    • Emus
    • Galahs

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Snakes seen on camp

    • Brown
      • Common
      • Eastern
    • Red Bellied Black
    • Small Eyed Snakes.
    • Taipan
      • Coastal
      • Eastern
    • Tiger

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    mammals seen on camp

    • Bats
    • Dingos
    • Echidnas
    •  Kangaroo
      • Eastern Grey
      • Red Necked Wallabies
    • Koala
    • Wombats

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Friday, July 15, 2011

    Microwaved boiled water


    Boiling water in the microwave is pretty straightforward, but there is the risk of superheating, when the water heats up past the boiling point without bubbling and then erupts suddenly, possibly causing burns. While this is unlikely[5] there are some precautions you can take.
    1. 1
      Put the water in a microwave-safe cup or bowl. For increased safety, use a container that has a scratch or chip (in scientific terms, a nucleation site) on the interior surface. This will help the water bubble.
    2. 2
      Place a non-metallic object such as a wooden spoon, chopstick, or popsicle stick in the water. This also helps the water bubble.
    3. 3
      Put the water in the microwave. Heat in short intervals, stirring regularly, until the water is steaming. (Even if these steps are followed, bubbling won't be obvious.)
    4. 4
      Stir the liquid thoroughly to add a little air to the mix, before heating.

    Copied from

     Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Thursday, July 14, 2011

    Fruit and vegetable Jigsaws

    Fruit and vege [on line]

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    Different blog buddy skills

    • Reading posts blogged.
    • Sharing what is written through emails, like and other social networking buttons.
    • Photographs, drawing, videos
      • making, uploading, 
    • Grammar.
    • Stimulating others to agree or disagree with what is written.
    • Backlinking into other common sites so that all share the readers.
    • Brining in new ways of using and posting helpful widgets and gidgets that make the posts as interesting aa s reference and learning centre.
    • Test trialling what is posted so that comments can be made.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    Insect World :A Child's First Library of Learning [2000]  P 5  Time life Asia, China

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Celebrate with paint

    Even unrelated images can be
     used as an inspirational starting
     point for your face painting.

    Many people take and alter pictures that are close by to suit the face painting theme.

    Some people even just face paint for fun and freedom of expression.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Saturday, June 18, 2011

    The party line communicaion

     All calls went to a central exchanged manned by a person who put one call through a line that line was connected to any number of phones. When one person on the line was speaking to their called the other callkers were expected to not listen in. Definately not join in.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    Thinking on it

    • What is your primary focus.
    • What were the structures to be used in obtaining that focus.
    • Go over the objectives of the primary focus.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    How to get dizzy!

     Simply put the more view, thoughts, and outlooks the greater the interaction between blog buddies. This interaction then stimulates the web spiders. The higher up the search engines the posts go. The greater the interaction between the internet population. Again the greater the stimulation and thus the interest of more spiders and thus more  blog buddies.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    Chicken Velvet

    The name given to a puree made from chicken meat - usually the white meat from the breast.

    The chicken meat is minced or very finely chopped so it is smooth in texture.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Reference: Gardening Australia, may 2009 Page 4

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Burke's backyard  magazine  Feb 2008 page 16

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    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    muovc dtoc

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Length coversions Imperial to metric

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    Sunday, May 8, 2011

    length Conversions [less than 1 meter]

    Handy list when used to convert one size to another in general usage.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Measurement - Unit of Volume (capacity)

    The information on the following chart has been combined from several sources.

    There are several measurements that have another description on the line directly under  - these are second or third names for the same quantity.

    I have found this list to be helpful with recipes from different countries that read the same but mean different amounts.  These differences affect the outcome of that 'thing' you are cooking.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Cooking Temp Conversion Chart

    Cooking temperatures change between the different types of ovens used, their age, fan forced, size.  Of course there also is where you are [the location, altitude, temperature and humidity] to consider.  With these factors in mind the chart is an approximation of the oven temperature.

    This information was obtained from
    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    A check list acts as a prompt

    • People friendly? 
    • Are they easy to follow? 
    • Encouraging you to follow through on your decision to be curious enough to give it a go. 
    • Is your blog there?

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Ring the Web Spiders door bell.

    • Use other social media outlets to inform the word of what you have done.
      • Twitter, Facebook, Newsvine, Orchurt, Digg, LinkedIn, Care2....
    • On your blog check the under the Stats tab.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Wow the others into shock.

    • Go to [view blog] 
    • Copy this address.
    • Open your social media site/s.
    • Link the copied address onto it.
    • Write a few words [ hay I wrote this, try this recipe, come to , join us at, bring, ...]
    • ask them to make a comment too.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Write your own post

    Mind map of the mind map guidlines.Image via Wikipedia
    Though chosen - Style.
    Two paragraphs written about
     are Personal and develop.
    • Come up with an idea [topic or overview]
      • Brainstorm
      • Mind map
      • Focus on one line of thought.
      • Base your topic to follow on or two

         of these points.
      • Use dot points and enlarge on the idea.
      • Whats your introduction and conclusion going to be?
    • Read these basic steps to start you off.
    • Have heading small in letter amount. 
      • Check the address bar then compare the heading of the post [ the address of the post was written in the title bar. The post published. The post was reopened [edit].A new title was put in place. Post was published again. Original title remain in address bar. New title is seen above post. 
    • Clear Vision Enterprises have various 'web pages'.  Each page has a different focus. You have been invited to 'do something' on one or more focus areas. Offer variety with your comments, photos and other digital mediums, even with your writing topics within that focus.
    • Express your opinion in a post.
    • Suggestion is for posts word count to kept to under 500.
      • Too many or too fractured.  Write another post by cutting and pasting the explanation - then hyperlinking [ creating a back link] both together. Simply as for help in comment section] or use blogs search area.
    • Save if unfinished.
    • Souble chack and see if there is relevant information from clear vision
    • Publish if you are certain that is what and how you want to say something.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me
    Enhanced by Zemanta


    •      Click on the Post
    • Make a comment at the bottom of the post.
      • Since you have accepted the invitation to that site you may write on a post of your own with the understanding that what is written or shown is for general content NOT adult content on these pages.
    • When you receive notification of a new post do the same as above.

    Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

    Follow the prompts

    • Hit the [Links to]
      • then choose a catergory like [Skills and Learning]
      • Scroll down.
      • Look for the [Followers] word and the [Subscribe to] buttons.
      • Fill out the details.
        • Joining these enable you to keep up to date with what interests you within other sites
            • either written by you or another person.

      Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

      Wow! Look whats here.

      • For 1st invitation you accept there will be another title on your dashboard.
      • For now sign out of the dashboard.
      • After the 2nd invitation you accept this title will automatically align itself with your blog title and the  1st title.  So now there are three blog titles and so it goes on.
      • Don't panic you can ask for follow up if what you need is not on 

      Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

      Accepting the invitation

      • Use an existing gmail account.
      • Sign up with a gmail account.
        • Obtain your own blogger account in the process.

      Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

      Save this post

      Or write the address out - placing it on the wall - in the easily to find area searches.

      Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

      Tuesday, April 19, 2011

      Please follow these 9 Steps to making the wheels turn

      As requested Clear Vision Enterprises has sent you an invitation so that you can join in this growing Internet networking community. The basic steps have been done for you.  Following are nine easily to follow progressive steps to seeing you go forth and enjoy participating.  rather than confuse you by having you click several layers deep I have chosen to write with layered dot points. I believe this system will be of more assistance to you than others. 
      • Save this post in your favourites or book mark area.
        • Or write the address out - placing it on the wall - in the easily to find area searches.
      • To accept the invitation you will
        • Use an existing gmail account.
        • Sign up with a gmail account.
          • Obtain your own blogger account in the process.
      • Open the [dash board ] and your blogger account is there - along with the accepted blog account. 
        • For 1st invitation you accept there will be another title on your dashboard.
        • For now sign out of the dashboard.
        • After the 2nd invitation you accept this title will automatically align itself with your blog title and the  1st title.  So now there are three blog titles and so it goes on.
        • Don't panic you can ask for follow upif what you need is not on 
      • In the address bar of web search type in http://
        • Hit the [Links to]
          • then choose a catergory like [Skills and Learning]
          • Scroll down.
          • Look for the [Followers] word and the [Subscribe to] buttons.
          • Fill out the details.
            • Joining these enable you to keep up to date with what interests you within other sites
                • either written by you or another person.
        • As you are new to these sites back read at least one post a day.
          • an incon to indicate that there is a widget. s...Image via Wikipedia
            Making the wheels turn
          • Click on post title.
          • Make a comment at the bottom of the post.
            • Since you have accepted the invitation to that site you may write on a post of your own with the understanding that what is written or shown is for general content NOT adult content on these pages.
          • When you receive notification of a new post do the same as above.
          • Write own post.
            • Come up with an idea [topic or overview]
              • Brainstorm
              • Mind map
              • Focus on one line of thought.
              • Base your topic to follow on or two
                  Mind map of the mind map guidlines.Image via Wikipedia
                  Though chosen - Style.
                  Two paragraphs written about are Personal and develop.
                 of these points.
              • Use dot points and enlarge on the idea.
              • Whats your introduction and conclusion going to be?
            • Read these basic steps to start you off.
            • Have heading small in letter amount. 
              • Check the address bar then compare the heading of the post [ the address of the post was written in the title bar. The post published. The post was reopened [edit].A new title was put in place. Post was published again. Original title remain in address bar. New title is seen above post. 
            • Clear Vision Enterprises have various 'web pages'.  Each page has a different focus. You have been invited to 'do something' on one or more focus areas. Offer variety with your comments, photos and other digital mediums, even with your writing topics within that focus.
            • Express your opinion in a post.
            • Suggestion is for posts word count to kept to under 500.
              • Too many or too fractured.  Write another post by cutting and pasting the explanation - then hyperlinking [ creating a back link] both together. Simply as for help in comment section] or use blogs search area.
            • Save if unfinished.
            • Publish if you are certain that is what and how you want to say something.
          • Once you have written a comment , added a photo [ yours, downloaded or Zemanta's] or published a post 
            • Go to [view blog] 
            • Copy this address.
            • Open your social media site/s.
            • Link the copied address onto it.
            • Write a few words [ hay I wrote this, try this recipe, come to , join us at, bring, ...]
            • ask them to make a comment too.
          • Keeping track of comments
          • Since this jarring of the web page "spiders' sends the search and find spiders into a frenzy of activity your posts gravitate higher up in the 'search' engines ladder - thus  more people typing in a few words in the search engine will come across your writing.
            • Use other social media outlets to inform the word of what you have done.
              • Twitter, Facebook, Newsvine, Orchurt, Digg, LinkedIn, Care2....
            • On your blog check the under the Stats tab.
          This information is for your use.  Let me know [make a comment] about these steps. Are the steps
          •  People friendly? 
          • Are they easy to follow? 
          • Encouraging you to follow through on your decision to be curious enough to give it a go. 
          • Is your blog there?

          Visualization of the various routes through a ...Image via Wikipedia
          Just how big can one small idea grow?
           Just remember go a far as you are comfortable with for now.  When you are ready come back to this post.  Then try another section.  Some people just want to read and re tweet the posts.  Other might just make co
          mments.  Still others have something slightly larger to say.  While others use a social network area and copy and paste their comments back into their post then publish it.

          Although over five hundred words in length have these explanations been helpful? Please give feed back in comment box.  Better yet - welcome to the blog buddy building team - follow the steps presented and engage yourself with moving forward.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me
          Enhanced by Zemanta

          Monday, April 18, 2011

          Amish starter


          • 1 ( 7 g [O.25 oz]) package active dry yeast.
          • 1/4 cup warm water
          • 1 cup all-purpose flour
          • 1 cup white sugar
          • 1 cup milk


          Follow carefully!
          Day 1: Add the yeast to the warm water. In a non metallic bowl, combine the flour and sugar, before slowly adding the milk. Add the yeast and mix well. Cover with a t-towel and leave at room temperature until bubbly. When you see the mix getting all bubbly, cover with cling film and pop it in the fridge.
          Days 1, 2,3 and 4: Just a good daily stir, with a non metallic spoon, is required. Back in the fridge and leave.
          Day 5: This is the moment you have been waiting for. You can now remove 2 cups of starter to use in your own bread recipe (you can even freeze the amish friendship bread starter). Then you must feed the remaining starter with 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Just allow this to sit for a while at room temperature and then it's back in the fridge.
          Days 6, 7, 8, 9: As per days 1,2,3 and 4... just a good old stir up with a non metallic spoon.
          Day 10: Feeding time again! Follow instructions as per day 5.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Saturday, April 16, 2011

          A caprese salad is...

          A traditional caprese salad is layered to create a red, white and green layering effect. Major varieties occur when the ingredients differ.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Introducing ... Rice.

          AMPOSTA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 06:  A worker checks ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
          Check out your rice recipes.
          If you are always on the go having a prepared bowl of rice close by is an asset.  It is easy to tun the on hand rice into many different delectable feasts. The wide range of basic rice varieties only add to the widening choice of recipes available..

          Add to this that rice is a healthy alternative  to everyday staples of a western diet.  After all rice is free from artificial flavors, preservatives and gluten while being  low in salt.

          The basic cooking of the rice is simple... once you know a few tricks.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me
          Enhanced by Zemanta

          Saturday, April 2, 2011

          Skills and Learning index



          Cooking :

          Creative crafts

          Life skills for survival
          Managing a household


          Short listed
          Things to do
          Working with a blog site

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Stress relief

          Dig around
          Dog and me
          Look out and about
          Time out and about

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Grow it

          Herbs and things
          Mini gardens
          On going back yard revivals

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Friday, March 4, 2011

          Not passing on negatives

          Spider removal

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Spider removal

          Natural methods
          Commercial methods
          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Flea eradication

          Natural methods

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Pest eradiaction


          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Sunday, February 20, 2011

          Home Remedies

          Dealing with fleas

          Mosquito Repellant

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Friday, February 18, 2011

          Art directory

          Different crafts
          It's on a wall
          Mixed art
          Teddy Bears

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Tuesday, February 1, 2011

          Newsletters of the Churchill Town Center Plan Implementation Consultation Group

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Monday, January 31, 2011

          TFF Ratio

          1.2.11  today the ratio has just gone to .32.  Friends : 1347, Followers: 425 and Tweets : 678.  This was 28 seconds ago though.

          By following others when they have chosen to follow twitter@cve4mejournal  site the TFF ratio moves slowly up.  Mind you I added another group to follow yesterday so this has probably mucked something up percentage wise.  Care factor with percentages is little as the .01 was finally gained today.  However the understanding of how to make the numbers grow [TFF] is increased.  This is a good thing as Twitter becomes a more effective tool.

          Whoopee and jubilation.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Sunday, January 30, 2011

          Find another group while we talk about you!

          People have the right to say No. To hold onto their own values and belief factors. However, for ever action their is a reaction.

          Saying 'No' to things often alienates people from groups.  Throwing some people into another group category which if added to your group could cause financial repercussions - the dealer fears having less clients so needs to get rid of the perceived threat.  Time and the dealer moves on but the juicy bit of gossip gathers no moss as it still is dredged up when the non takers name is mentioned or is connected to any activity.

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Friday, January 28, 2011

          Woody Allen Said

          "80 % of sucess is actually doing something".

          So go ahead and do something....

          N  O   W

          Encouraged to be writen by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

          Sunday, January 23, 2011

          Getting what you do out there.

          Yes. We all have skills.  Some of these were learned as a teenager, others through training.

          Problem is our security tolerance pulls all of us into a must run with the pack or fear the consequences actions.  So we run with the pack and expect loyalty.

          However the natural packs isolate then leave behind those that are different from birth or experiences in life.  A natural pack member believes they have to keep up, constantly join in. Thus they learn to not think out of the square.  Thinking out of the square means you are different.  Differences unsettle the pack.  Those that are different are made to leave the pack. 

          When new changes come in those that have not changed, or voice opinions are considered different again.  Thus they are left behind or isolated. Once again the circle goes around. 

          STOP THE CIRCLE!   
                                       CARVE A NEW DIRECTION.

          What skills or hobbies have you got?  Check into the money making side of them and get started.

          Sure people will make you feel foolish.  Keep going.

          For instance.

             I enjoyed gardening when I was younger.  A time in my lift occur ed when even with adequate sleep during the day seven nights of 14 hour night shift [ on call driving] did not left me gain a restful sleep.

          With a month of forced rest looming up in front of me I took note of the jobs I had to accomplish.  Long story cut short I ended up with a vegetable garden... which has grown in size.  Now I sell Herb's and vegetables, write a blog about gardening, encourage others to write about their gardens or garden aspirations.  Monetize the lot of them.  Tonight I read about propagating money methods.

          A male friend had a sea change while in his mid fifties.  Now he is building a garden maintenance business while teaching other clients how to drive.

          Someone else, whose own children left home years ago, looks after children.  The child care skills are constantly being updated and implemented.

          These are three examples of people altering the path that their lives were going on.  Now they are creating new friends, new methods and having fun imple4meting and expanding on the skills that they have chosen suits them and their situation.

          Give a new pathway a go. Go for it. Have an adventure!

          Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me