Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting what you do out there.

Yes. We all have skills.  Some of these were learned as a teenager, others through training.

Problem is our security tolerance pulls all of us into a must run with the pack or fear the consequences actions.  So we run with the pack and expect loyalty.

However the natural packs isolate then leave behind those that are different from birth or experiences in life.  A natural pack member believes they have to keep up, constantly join in. Thus they learn to not think out of the square.  Thinking out of the square means you are different.  Differences unsettle the pack.  Those that are different are made to leave the pack. 

When new changes come in those that have not changed, or voice opinions are considered different again.  Thus they are left behind or isolated. Once again the circle goes around. 

                             CARVE A NEW DIRECTION.

What skills or hobbies have you got?  Check into the money making side of them and get started.

Sure people will make you feel foolish.  Keep going.

For instance.

   I enjoyed gardening when I was younger.  A time in my lift occur ed when even with adequate sleep during the day seven nights of 14 hour night shift [ on call driving] did not left me gain a restful sleep.

With a month of forced rest looming up in front of me I took note of the jobs I had to accomplish.  Long story cut short I ended up with a vegetable garden... which has grown in size.  Now I sell Herb's and vegetables, write a blog about gardening, encourage others to write about their gardens or garden aspirations.  Monetize the lot of them.  Tonight I read about propagating money methods.

A male friend had a sea change while in his mid fifties.  Now he is building a garden maintenance business while teaching other clients how to drive.

Someone else, whose own children left home years ago, looks after children.  The child care skills are constantly being updated and implemented.

These are three examples of people altering the path that their lives were going on.  Now they are creating new friends, new methods and having fun imple4meting and expanding on the skills that they have chosen suits them and their situation.

Give a new pathway a go. Go for it. Have an adventure!

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

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