Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ready, set ....go!

Source -> cause -> behaviour -> consequence.

Okay that's sorted.

Now ask the question why not go direct to the "cause" section. The consequence of going to a middle man is if it suits their purpose action and encouragement is given. Human nature of "what's in it for me!"

You have a cause - that of putting your knowledge and skills to work for $ / recognition/; good of humanity/ research..... As an aside you go to a middle man. You made them 'famous'. The ' I ' introduced them to this factor involves the payment of reflected glory. The 'therefore let me bask in the glory of.'  While you do well so too will the middle man.

In this case go to the sauce [Aspbergers Association] find out about there requirements. Organise an interview time for you to interview them as to their suitability for your program / tutorial / or what ever the wagon train is that is getting you to where you want to be. Reflect this through the "your blog".  Have another focus get another blog. Your blog has been taylored with your focus in view. 

The blogs are there as a bouncing board for you views. You recieve subscriptions and newsletters. There are events, skills or knowledge that you want a say with.  Use the information available and put you experiences or beliefs with that informnation.  For instance having an interst in Aspbergers syndrome you have read books, joined the Aspbergers Association, had discussions, joined forums and so forth. You have a blog set up for life Skills for Survival.  Would this be an appripraiate site to have as a focus for the Aspbergers interest?  It's a personal closed question that has a Yes / No answer. 

If yes then use the blog site. so let the focus be how these skills are influenced by the Aspbergers symptoms/signs. The recognition of these symptoms / signs being not easily put into parables. Stories with / about everyday happens seen from the frustrated adult eyes. Re align these experiences with your skills knowledge. make comments on other peoples post adding a hyperlink to a post you have written about a similar thing. Several posts later there is something to join in the discussion groups and forums. Make your own [have made for you] a discussion group. Even twitter about everything. Connect face book to twitter. Link in the blog posts to face book [once done an automatic process in that what you write on blog pops up through facebook. Automatically linking into twitter account.

If the answer is a no - get another blog made and still do the same as above.

Network between people, organisations and the ever ready internet.  Build up resources of both these mediums. Utilize what you and others find and recomend.  Constantly learn, improve the environment around yourself . Raise your combine voices. Using these mediums your name goes higher up in the search engines. Place a value on your speech time. This is when you again approach the Aspbergers conferences. Present a paper and go to conference, speaking to parents groups.

The use of these media tools is that the key board is now your middle man. No fees for a '3' am writing session either. Nor does it get real grumpy at you having a brilliant idea. Type it up. Release the idea by publishing the article. Get your own recognition. You deserve it.

People are so convinced that they have to have the approval of someone else one step up the ladder before they can circumvent the well trodden path. People trive on having excuses for not succeding.  In this they do not have to worry about fixing the irritant  [the souce] that causes the negative behaviour.  Which is why people going forward will subconsicously  self destruct themselves, what they are doing thus removing the fear of what succeeeding will do for them  Success being change.  People fear change.It means moving on, meeting new people, coping in an unfamiliar set of cirustances.  Why wait for the apple to fall when you can climb the tree and choose not only the branch the apple is growing on, but which of the apples you most want to try today.

No? Were human.  We fear that the middle man waiting with yesterdays apples might get annoyed.  However consider this -  the middle man may also support you. Give you mutually benificial guidelines that do not bind each to the other.  Instead both travel their own pathway that sometimes crisscross and catch up occur.

At this point recognise that there are two choices. You become the middle mans 'employee' [puppet] - the payment is spport, tapping into the middle mans knowledge, points of view and safety factors. OR you make a statement [business cards/ blog pressence, speaking circle, bookings etc now you ask the middle man "What they can do for you"?.  Does this middle man slot into what you have focused on or are they way off on the periffery of space and time and your focus?

It is recommend that you
  • Know your destination
  • The travel route you intend to take getting to your destination.
    • Know what you want, how you want to do it, where it will take you.
      • the strageies, objectives, methodilogy, goals, vision, objectives, time plan... the formal list goes on.
  • Take stock of what you have [assetts and liabilites, skills, talents.
    • Recognise them for how precious they actually are.
    • Then claim these.
  • Do not burn your boats though!!! 
    • The feeling of sinking or swimming is not thrilling if the emergency supplies [networks, public support, networks, recognition factors] are not at hand.
  • Ask for help along the way.
  • Claim ownership on what you have.

The middle man may have a supplier that charges more than you do to pick his fresh apples. Therefore the middle man gets a better cut, has better clientel, prestigue and support as he too moves up the ladder of success.

Rather than cutting out the middle man - what you are doing is a combination of outsourcing the things that will bind you where you are now. Include the middle man as part of your ever growing collabrative team effort.  A bit like a wagon train voyage.  There are drop off along the way, new people join - usually at the end until new people join the wagon trail behind them.  When under attach everyone supports the wagon train for their own protection.

So outsource the blogging creation.  Support both the blogger and yourself though by writing on the blog.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

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