Thursday, June 24, 2010

Public relations and projects.

Public relations is developed very slowly on many accounts.  However when there is a need and the right person happens along with the finger on the pulse getting the information out there speeds up fast.  In a flash things get done.  I am looking for that person. The one with a positive vortex of personality and energy that can do    what I know needs doing and has the time and contacts in which to use to do the Public relations work.

I have a basic understanding of Public Relations.  But although I have ideas I am busy and unable to concentrate all my energy on just one field.  When I work on one field then everything else I am doing gets put aside.  The energy required is not focused and things dwindle.  A good job is not done if it cannot be kept up.  So Public Relations have been set aside.  This attitude is detrimental to all involved too.

This is what needs to happen when developing a community, a culture in anything.
  • Choose to work with people who are lead and guided in their actions and beliefs in what you are doing. 
  • Do noting that is detrimental to the project.
  • Place a few articles in the newspaper.  Get the media on your side - partially by doing their work for them and also through gaining their understanding of the project.  Have outlined and easy to redirect to the Project plan.  Including everything from discussions though to vision.mission, strategies, objectives, time lines, outcomes and even evaluations along the way.
  • Have people adopt a project focus.  One aspect of the overall activity that is going on. 
  • Give people something tangible to hold onto.  A photo of one aspect that is up dated regularly on a blog.
  • Include this Public Relations section within the strategies of the project. 
  • Make the Public Relations direction a pathway that simultaneously takes one project and combines peoples interest along the same journey as the main project.
  • People need to volunteer to help out on the project. 
  • Organise peoples support for the projects that are developing.  One project at a time or various different projects targeting different peoples.  Projects separate from each other but held together by an over all body of management.
  • Contact the local groups  and get them to understand what the project is all about.
  • Focus peoples attention on how they themselves can be of assistance.
  • People have a tendency to want to own what they help out on. 
  • Advertise with the local media where, when and what the project is up to.  Where project peoples will be to speak to them And have print out of statements, blog sites and other relevant information on hand for them to have a reference. 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Simple stragegy leads to two major objectives.

Boy am I glad I have three basic stategies that involves a simple set of two overall Objectives that is keeping me in lineI have begun and I know where I am Heading [I think]

The first is that I must keep going with the day to day business of income and expendure.  What goes in must pay the bills or I cannot keep the computer running to keep blogging.

The first objective closely aligned to this strategy  is that currently I am filing all sorts of things The 2009 Fires around here made me realise the impossibility of paperwork that was not necessary to keep here.  Then again It is also impossinble for your to read the information if I only have it hard copy.  Hence the sharing of information.  There is so much Guiding information that the District has lost as well as masses ofr old books [and new ones too] simply gathering dust, magazine and newspaper articles that Ive read and kept which you may like to share hense a few different blogs that have games, recipes, crafts, programs,discoveries,pictorial recordings, and the list goes on.

The second strategy is simply to use the internet to file the paper work.  A fire will burn it up and it is lost forever.  A thief will just throw ithe papers around.  So here goes everything in getting things on the met.
The third strategy was to find a coach or mentor and to coordinate everything i am doing into one direction of travel  I am doing this as well.  Submitting an application to begin the Diploma of Community Development [one under a Master of Community Devlopment] as this is then funded by CRS through some Government scheme.  They may pay for this.  Then When the skills I learn from this level course are utilised I will apply for the next level.

Come to think of it there is a fourth strategy is one which involves my health.  So every day the dog an myself go for our health walk.  One hour away from people, places, and things.  We start about half an hour before the sunrise and just walk.  This allows for a refreshing clean out of yesturadys hassels, and balances me for the day approaching.

Needless to say I may even make some money from this overall challenging adventure whic affects and definately in=volves all these strategies and there off shooing overall objectives listings.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh no! I have actually begun

Computer Game ComaImage by Andrew® via Flickr
Here I am still sorting things out.  But I think I have finally managed to work things out in this jigsaw.  Even as a child I never did like the challenges of jig saws.  But I am persisting and gradually working things out as to how blogging is actually done.  Zipping from one site to another and taking you on the ride of my literary tapping's. There is a bit of the 'kid' stage still lingering in my psychic I think.

I'm taking a pause [again] to continue to link things up between everything. Starting with the 'sharing of things' with you on all the blog's pages. So there's a lot of interlinking to come as my journey into cyber space goes forth! I am expecting the best out of my self.  Computing has begun to take my brain to a new satisfaction level... even if in some people's eyes playing with blogging.

I have had an challenge to get one of these sites up to 10,000 hits per month.  Well I'm learning. He showed me a few quick things that opened my eyes. With all the experimentation that had previously been occurring  I surprised myself as I knew some of what he meant.  I drove the representative mad with ongoing questions which were answered with good grace.  Hay I found at several stages I worked out the answer before the representative got back to me... and they were pretty prompt too. Mind you when the challenge was set then the representative said they would be first in line for company sponsorship.  Interesting but that's not why I'm doing this 'blogsaw puzzle'.

I'm not going to let cyber-space beat me. I've been gradually drumming up new 'blogs' to create for other people and so far two businesses.  I want this to work! I want to have time to look at the sunset knowing that my enterprise is managing' itself'.

So please leave a comment or two that I know my message has got out there and that things here have worked there.

Thank you for this feed back.
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