Have you written anything you would like CVE4me to post for you yet. Even 200 words
will start you off. Name a blog gmail / and the type of title you want your blog to
have. At a later date when the traffic through you is enough for your blog to be
seen and recognised by it's self (or when you tell me too) then I will export and
import your blog onto your own site. Simple as that.
Meanwhile - Write what ever memories of early life and so forth. Then send them and
I would love to do the linking to other sites etc.
One of my challenges as I neared my half century was to become more technology minded, another was to get what I wanted heard out to other people, still another to share information. While i was working out how to do this I was tinkering away with the web.
Once I had discovered 'gmail' through another organisation suggesting I subscribe.I now really thank the young lady and also a mentor of mine for using 'gamil' themselves as I found this system not complicated and pretty on the eye. When I felt like a change I stumbled on how and why answers. So a visual change occurred usually with little stress and also within a moment.
Next I discovered blogs. It took me a while to work out how to do these. That there was also more than just writing something and hitting the publish key. Simple things like remembering the passwords, which email belonged to what site was fun...until I wrote it down and printed the page off. now I have it stored in excel and regularly update and print off. A copy kept, would you believe, in a non-descript folder near by in another locked room.
By budding up to an already known system (mine) is a way you get your name
recognised by authorites in subjects!!!
Further have a 'nom de plume' Facebook and twitter site that represents your
business. As a lot of people have a personal and a business face book, digg,
twitter etc site keeping things seperate makes sense.
Every post that is finished (written, linked and so forth) then gets 'shared' around
these sites. You are the author and the sharing goes through your name.
It's not the writing thats the challenge. it's the filing, indexing and linking of
the relevant information that I'm having fun with. Hence why I currently am
enjoying the down time of the taxis. I can and am spending time doing this.
Apparently business pay a lot of money for people who can do this. So my sites are
my resume.
Having a blog filling up with a criss cross of information is usually not a good idea I am told. However this blogs focus is just that. A reference library for those who are reading posts through Clear Vision Enterprises. Use it frequently and as you will.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Clear Vision comment the rebuilding of communication understanding.
Do you like to read? There is a really easy on the brain book to read called Men are from Mars, Women from Venus. I know there are copies in the public library system. When your ready for a self laugh give it a go.
I'm still reading it and you know everything is what a lot of people had lived through, spoken about but did not know what they were living. People can relate to it.
This book does not preach or take pity it just explains in such a way that the people who have spoken to me about it have felt good about themselves, their situations and their muck ups. Helps to remove a lot of dead weight and self blame while giving an under pinning of foundational knowledge.
I'm still reading it and you know everything is what a lot of people had lived through, spoken about but did not know what they were living. People can relate to it.
This book does not preach or take pity it just explains in such a way that the people who have spoken to me about it have felt good about themselves, their situations and their muck ups. Helps to remove a lot of dead weight and self blame while giving an under pinning of foundational knowledge.
Clear Vision,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Creativity snuck into the Clear Vision
While working our what I could do to alleviate a negative impact on my life I could not see that anything would or could change. Meanwhile I played around on the computer. For me creating a few blogs was just an experiment. On else where I was learning the application but not getting a small view of what these communication means could do
The out come of this creativity streak lead to more hours being self taught. Now I'm up to the point of painstaking placing everything together and sharing these blogs and web pages with anybody out there.
The out come of this creativity streak lead to more hours being self taught. Now I'm up to the point of painstaking placing everything together and sharing these blogs and web pages with anybody out there.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Asking "What have I done with my Clear Vision?"
With a clearer 'Clear Vision' it's not so much that a person wants to recreate their past. At some point that person asks just what actually is happening that they then have to acknowledge an unsteadiness or unease that the person is progressing through. Taking time out for a revaluation of where that person stands in what they are doing, where they are going is important for a new revitalised perspective.
This in turn brings to the front different situations that either have previously held their progress back or that person is currently experiencing. For instance a financial situation may be currently acceptable at that present moment in time. In the beginning a small financial challenge may have been alleviated with a loan. To start with the repayments of the loan are workable. Then the unacceptable happens. Finances are now passing through a challenge into difficult. Struggle then hands in horror mode are coming up as time moved on and the situation is compounded too.
People become unsettled about what money that they do not have access to. The low surplus necessary to survive becomes negotiable. Anxiety and stress factors from the situations impinges both onto and into the health and well being of that persons daily life in both their community and family situations.
Using just these factors there are Micro and Macro influences that determine the outcome variations. having a far wider influence than just one person and their life span. What one person chooses to react to [and how hey react] carries down the generations as learned behavior modes.
Following are some of the every day Micro influences that interlink through the daily life factors which are aggravated with issues from lack of reliable transport, identity, education and overall well being.
Then there's the Macro influences like what the economy is really up to. Town structures change. Governments give or change tax rebates. General living and land prices go up or down through no fault of the people in general. Someone pushes a switch somewhere and someone gets hurt. Wars happen, natural disasters occur. Finance trickles in and then gushes away. So yes a finance issues is always just there influencing fashion, trends in housing, food, educations, child rearing, transportation, art and culture, sport, media, work, talk back or internet discussion's, laws, what the rich and famous either do or say.
In today's atmosphere people feel that they can not walk away from one income in order to move on to another. So they feel trapped about what could be done to change their own circumstances. What is needed is a change in the viewing of a problem Why treat things as a problem when that attitude may cause mass loss of hope, belief and faith. Think out of the square. Actually communicate with others. Ask for help. Discuss, probe, do something else for a while and work things out. Take time away or out for the YOU well away from the situation. Even retrace your life's steps and do something creative and positive that you were good at before the current situation became aware. Follow through and think again. Take two steps back and do something else for a little. Have a coffee brake.
Taking time away from a 'problem' will allow for a fresher Clear'er Vision to be worked on.from this perspective life begins to become inter sting once again.
Ask around. When people use even one of these suggestions things happen. These methods work.
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises
This in turn brings to the front different situations that either have previously held their progress back or that person is currently experiencing. For instance a financial situation may be currently acceptable at that present moment in time. In the beginning a small financial challenge may have been alleviated with a loan. To start with the repayments of the loan are workable. Then the unacceptable happens. Finances are now passing through a challenge into difficult. Struggle then hands in horror mode are coming up as time moved on and the situation is compounded too.
People become unsettled about what money that they do not have access to. The low surplus necessary to survive becomes negotiable. Anxiety and stress factors from the situations impinges both onto and into the health and well being of that persons daily life in both their community and family situations.
Using just these factors there are Micro and Macro influences that determine the outcome variations. having a far wider influence than just one person and their life span. What one person chooses to react to [and how hey react] carries down the generations as learned behavior modes.
Following are some of the every day Micro influences that interlink through the daily life factors which are aggravated with issues from lack of reliable transport, identity, education and overall well being.
Then there's the Macro influences like what the economy is really up to. Town structures change. Governments give or change tax rebates. General living and land prices go up or down through no fault of the people in general. Someone pushes a switch somewhere and someone gets hurt. Wars happen, natural disasters occur. Finance trickles in and then gushes away. So yes a finance issues is always just there influencing fashion, trends in housing, food, educations, child rearing, transportation, art and culture, sport, media, work, talk back or internet discussion's, laws, what the rich and famous either do or say.
In today's atmosphere people feel that they can not walk away from one income in order to move on to another. So they feel trapped about what could be done to change their own circumstances. What is needed is a change in the viewing of a problem Why treat things as a problem when that attitude may cause mass loss of hope, belief and faith. Think out of the square. Actually communicate with others. Ask for help. Discuss, probe, do something else for a while and work things out. Take time away or out for the YOU well away from the situation. Even retrace your life's steps and do something creative and positive that you were good at before the current situation became aware. Follow through and think again. Take two steps back and do something else for a little. Have a coffee brake.
Taking time away from a 'problem' will allow for a fresher Clear'er Vision to be worked on.from this perspective life begins to become inter sting once again.
Ask around. When people use even one of these suggestions things happen. These methods work.
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises
Clear Vision,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Someone elses life has a price.
What's this Bullies who harassed a young lady into committing suicide only get a fine. Wow so let us believe that every person has a price on their head. That amount which the guilty decide they can or feel they have to pay.
Brain is poisioned by bullies
A couple had been at a friends gathering socializing. He phones her for help. Immediately she phones the ambulance. At this point of time the man cannot remember even his name.he has to indicate to the ambulance drivers to ask her the identity questions.
Cutting to the chase. The young man spent hours in the police station, more hours in the hospital emergency department. The police, ambulance and health staff all say this man had been drugged. The ambulance workers and police have told this young mans sister that the man had been drugged. The sister does not want to believe it. Since this incident happened at her residence then she has cause for concern.
He wants to go home and get on with life. However he cannot. The emergency centers in Victoria, Australia, are unable to give a medical certificate for work cover. So you must see any doctor that very day. The General Practitioner is able to issue the medical certificate. A copy of which goes to your employer or the Government Center Link office. While at the Doctors a request that bloods be taken from the young man should be made. Knowing what the has in jested is important for any residuary effects. These effects can last over seven years. The drugs sit in the fatty organ tissues ( as cortisone sits in the liver) and blood tests will show their existence.
Many places of employment do not allow drug effected employee on site. These people are dangerous to their mates. Dealing with their drug induced slow reaction times could maim themselves of their work buddies. The injuries are then a work safe issue.
When applying for a new job the employer may request blood screening tests. Employment prospects dimming as you now have to prove you are now not a liar. After all one question would have been asked (or implied). That of drug usage. You would have said "no". Without documentation how will you prove that you did something about the ingestion of drugs substance?
So what price will he and his young family actually be paying?
Cutting to the chase. The young man spent hours in the police station, more hours in the hospital emergency department. The police, ambulance and health staff all say this man had been drugged. The ambulance workers and police have told this young mans sister that the man had been drugged. The sister does not want to believe it. Since this incident happened at her residence then she has cause for concern.
He wants to go home and get on with life. However he cannot. The emergency centers in Victoria, Australia, are unable to give a medical certificate for work cover. So you must see any doctor that very day. The General Practitioner is able to issue the medical certificate. A copy of which goes to your employer or the Government Center Link office. While at the Doctors a request that bloods be taken from the young man should be made. Knowing what the has in jested is important for any residuary effects. These effects can last over seven years. The drugs sit in the fatty organ tissues ( as cortisone sits in the liver) and blood tests will show their existence.
Many places of employment do not allow drug effected employee on site. These people are dangerous to their mates. Dealing with their drug induced slow reaction times could maim themselves of their work buddies. The injuries are then a work safe issue.
When applying for a new job the employer may request blood screening tests. Employment prospects dimming as you now have to prove you are now not a liar. After all one question would have been asked (or implied). That of drug usage. You would have said "no". Without documentation how will you prove that you did something about the ingestion of drugs substance?
So what price will he and his young family actually be paying?
Clear Vision,
work cover
Having one goal that covers everything is a Clear Vision
The benefits that people get out of doing just one thing at times outweigh what they actually think they may have set out to achieve. Hence a reason for the iimportance of having an over all ‘clear vision’ of what it actually is that you want. There are other steps along the way that direct you in the direction you want to go and keep you hopefully on someones perceived 'right' balanced tract. These steps are the mission, strategies, objectives, outcomes, action plans and evaluation process.
Having thought about the vision, what ans how you are going to get the vision to occur is summed up in a mission statement. Basic methods are streamlined into strategies.
Objectives are things that have been acknowledged as 'will occur anyway', may occur and then there's we will make it happen. These three classes of occurrences are known as objectives. Something you plan to happen [ or acknowledged will happen] Beneficial or not to the original clear vision these extras will and have happened.
Everything that that is done to achieve the one main focal point, the vision, ends up being an outcome. These out comes may be good, bad or ugly. Either way the ramifications, and influences that outcomes have will have reactions occur. Like a slow motion movie some reactions just take 'forever' to finish occurring. Others will rush at you, then zip past like a domino effect.
Taking note of these effects and collectively discussing, then noting down, about the cause and effect of each is an evaluation. Included in the banner of an evaluation is what can be done now about 'it, how can 'it' be changed or even what caused the outcome and do you want to repeat it in the future. Take special note of the signs and symptoms that brought the eventual outcome into being. Decide what to do about these warning signs.
From the first awareness of any sign and symptoms begin working on a possible action plan. Action plans are made simpler when there is forethought on the subject. Use people who have experience to help you. Their experiences, likes and connections are invaluable. Think both laterally and creatively. This is another reason for including people who have had experience as a planner, active participant or consumer in the action plan thinking group.
Obtaining a balance when doing this researching is also of importance. Peoples actions, work places, interests tend to influence their political views. The views held influence the longitudinal processes of how a vision is done. When presenting the research care must be taken towards which way the vision guidelines are observed. Each action further highlighting or driving apart the objectives from the vision.
From action plans work out a time line. Again other peoples practical experiences are helpful. Research the net, libraries, minutes of previous meetings, peoples brains, newspapers, local government, even hold polls and surveys. The list grows the more you do the research.
Having thought about the vision, what ans how you are going to get the vision to occur is summed up in a mission statement. Basic methods are streamlined into strategies.
Objectives are things that have been acknowledged as 'will occur anyway', may occur and then there's we will make it happen. These three classes of occurrences are known as objectives. Something you plan to happen [ or acknowledged will happen] Beneficial or not to the original clear vision these extras will and have happened.
Everything that that is done to achieve the one main focal point, the vision, ends up being an outcome. These out comes may be good, bad or ugly. Either way the ramifications, and influences that outcomes have will have reactions occur. Like a slow motion movie some reactions just take 'forever' to finish occurring. Others will rush at you, then zip past like a domino effect.
Taking note of these effects and collectively discussing, then noting down, about the cause and effect of each is an evaluation. Included in the banner of an evaluation is what can be done now about 'it, how can 'it' be changed or even what caused the outcome and do you want to repeat it in the future. Take special note of the signs and symptoms that brought the eventual outcome into being. Decide what to do about these warning signs.
From the first awareness of any sign and symptoms begin working on a possible action plan. Action plans are made simpler when there is forethought on the subject. Use people who have experience to help you. Their experiences, likes and connections are invaluable. Think both laterally and creatively. This is another reason for including people who have had experience as a planner, active participant or consumer in the action plan thinking group.
Obtaining a balance when doing this researching is also of importance. Peoples actions, work places, interests tend to influence their political views. The views held influence the longitudinal processes of how a vision is done. When presenting the research care must be taken towards which way the vision guidelines are observed. Each action further highlighting or driving apart the objectives from the vision.
From action plans work out a time line. Again other peoples practical experiences are helpful. Research the net, libraries, minutes of previous meetings, peoples brains, newspapers, local government, even hold polls and surveys. The list grows the more you do the research.
Just having that one overall goal that covers everything is known as having a vision. When the outcomes no longer match what the vision then that is time once again to do an overall evaluation of where things are going. Possibly to change and redirect things to keep in line with the original vision or to dissolve one method or brake away from that journey.
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision
Clear Vision,
job description,
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Clear Vision want's promting to remove bullying violations
What are we doing to the young people who are partners today? Our culture is one where the bullies are in hiding while their support circles are aiding and abetting their support system that allows the to try to control the new unborn generations. Effectively rendering the new parents into broken human beings.
Over the years that I have seen young people grow into startling adults, surmounting all odds and climbing over negatives that their peers and community give them.
I have also witnessed cruelties that cut these young people down leaving them chances to join just the mediocia. Choices are removed, their bodies, brains and hope raped of hope. objectives just becoming more sparkly fairy dust blowing in the vortex of opportunities lost. When these cruelties occur within a family strange things happen to the fabric of the family. Family members play one off against the other. Guilt trips rib through all members. Conscience and denials tighten the squeeze in which there are now demands to take sides.
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision
Over the years that I have seen young people grow into startling adults, surmounting all odds and climbing over negatives that their peers and community give them.
I have also witnessed cruelties that cut these young people down leaving them chances to join just the mediocia. Choices are removed, their bodies, brains and hope raped of hope. objectives just becoming more sparkly fairy dust blowing in the vortex of opportunities lost. When these cruelties occur within a family strange things happen to the fabric of the family. Family members play one off against the other. Guilt trips rib through all members. Conscience and denials tighten the squeeze in which there are now demands to take sides.
Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision
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