Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Having one goal that covers everything is a Clear Vision

The benefits that people get out of doing just one thing at times outweigh what they actually think they may have set out to achieve. Hence a reason for the iimportance of having an over all ‘clear vision’ of what it actually is that you want. There are other steps along the way that direct you in the direction you want to go and keep you hopefully on someones perceived 'right' balanced tract.  These steps are the mission, strategies, objectives, outcomes, action plans and evaluation process.

Having thought about the vision, what ans how you are going to get the vision to occur is summed up in a mission statement. Basic methods are streamlined into strategies.

Objectives are things that have been acknowledged as 'will occur anyway', may occur and then there's we will make it happen.  These three classes of occurrences are known as objectives.  Something you plan to happen [ or acknowledged will happen]  Beneficial or not to the original clear vision these extras will and have happened.

Everything that that is done to achieve the one main focal point, the vision, ends up being an outcome. These out comes may be good, bad or ugly. Either way the ramifications, and influences that outcomes have will have reactions occur.  Like a slow motion movie some reactions just take 'forever' to finish occurring. Others will rush at you, then zip past like a domino effect.

Taking note of these effects and collectively discussing, then noting down, about the cause and effect of each is an evaluation.  Included in the banner of an evaluation is what can be done now about 'it, how can 'it' be changed or even what caused the outcome and do you want to repeat it in the future.  Take special note of the signs and symptoms that brought the eventual outcome into being.  Decide what to do about these warning signs.

From the first awareness of any sign and symptoms begin working on a possible action plan. Action plans are made simpler when there is forethought on the subject. Use people who have experience to help you. Their experiences, likes and connections are invaluable.  Think both laterally and creatively. This is another reason for including people who have had experience as a planner, active participant or consumer in the action plan thinking group.

Obtaining a balance when doing this researching is also of importance. Peoples actions, work places, interests tend to influence their political views. The views held influence the longitudinal processes of how a vision is done.   When presenting the research care must be taken towards which way the vision guidelines are observed. Each action further highlighting or driving apart the objectives from the vision.

From action plans work out a time line.  Again other peoples practical experiences are helpful. Research the net, libraries, minutes of previous meetings, peoples brains, newspapers, local government, even hold polls and surveys.  The list grows the more you do the research.

 Just having that one overall goal that covers everything is known as having a vision. When the outcomes no longer match what the vision then that is time once again to do an overall evaluation of where things are going. Possibly to change and redirect things to keep in line with the original vision or to dissolve one method or brake away from that journey.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

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