Sunday, August 22, 2010

Developing a social conscience

Humans have an amazing power to help or hurt one another. A pivotal point of either action or a reaction to situations depends largely on the individual exposure to early, continued and reinforced actions. Not forgetting howe and to who we all communicate with. Simply as the people of the world today are growing in caring and sharing our world and human resources their is a perceivable difference being exhibited. Or " is the Social Conscience of today a manipulation to cover up facts for tomorrow?"

 There are three Governments elections that show this step has been taken.  The American voted for Obama, the British Parliament and now the Australian Election [2010] looks like a hang parliament.  The Greens are effectively holding the balance Current e of power. 

A first out come of advocacy and governance being purportedly being given back to the people.  Noted that there are now a lot more of the younger generations having a say. These younger generations have had enough education and practice to understand and utilise the advocacy and governance processes through their education, social media, technological and network frameworks. Through out their lives these actions are accepted as normal. Now outdated bench marks have been there all their lives.  Are mentors being lead in what to think about, how to think and where to direct your developing mind... away from core community development capital factors? Are you being guided and lead  by being active listeners?

 The Internet and other hosting technologies have made the accessing of information easier to obtain. Conversely making the information harder to cover up.  Where does this leave social conscience.  No longer thought of as fringe thinking.  Major environmental, social and economical objectives are being strategized.  People are having a say. 

Take for instance
  • The 2010 Gulf 's oil spill from a B.P. oil well  was a real life catalyst forcing many world wide radical changes in the economic requirements for harnessing the worlds supplies. Environmental dangers have become real with people taking note and re looking at what they too are doing  
  • Great Britain's Parliament is taking wind farming to the people.  New technology and economic crashes are forcing companies to re-think their bottom line.  These same companies are slowly learning the hard way.... through their pockets, that the population of the world will not tolerate abusiveness, and bulling tactics that keep the people scared and unresponsive to requests for help.  
  • Through education at many levels people have the choice to be well informed.  These same people are completing school projects in the humanities field that take them out of their comfort zones and place them in a situation where other learned skills will be applied.   Voluntary organisations have focused on service within communities.  These same organisations have appealed to the World organisation. 
  • With voting rights and mass influence the network of support and influence has snowballed.  Take for instance the Duke of Edinburgh award of the Girl Guides Olave Baden Powell Award {Australia} these are optional extras that appeal to some people offering a wide range of personal interest  projects  Different Royal family have supported these changes.  Super stars, Governments and large companies have plowed monies back into these and other similar social conscience developing projects.  So much so that their followers have heightened their own life skills and experiences to be part of the same  thought patterns turn into action strategies and occurrences.
Gaining a social conscience is a good thing.  Not questioning what one is shown, taught, thinks and is empowered to do is something that paternal influences within societies development that is quietly encouraged.  Thus there is negative and positive social conscience developing.  The difference between the two depends on your belief system and which side of the political fence you are standing at that moment in time.  The haves or have nots of a particular governing view.

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