Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Open your eyes and ask further questions

Aged 7 at the time my Geat Gradfather died I never realised his impact until years later. This man would tell us stories from the old testament and Revolations as we dug the garden, milked the goat and went about our family visits.

Ministers within the then Pentacostal church [1973] held awareness discussions. Heck this is when I first saw the computer at a friends home. I was so scared of what this machine could possibly do.

In 1994 Swamy Acundinda made the statement that secrets were not secrets if anyone knew of them. I thought this strange that the statement was made at the time. And that given all that has happened to me I still remember this.

Then years later when I first met my husbands dad [1997] he had been in a military position since the second world war. Over time this man I grew to respect made comments re what he had seen, heard and done.

In 1998 I was sent my forst bankcard. Carboard it was. I hated the fact that one day I may need to rely on this piece of 'wood'.

Life has taken so many different roads but I still find it strange but these three mens situations had the same stories to tell. Do I look ahead to the fire around the rim [Great grandad] Watch out for Korea, even the Americian President Eieshower had secretes to hide. Not every thing that was believed should be treated os fact. There was too much behind the public view case that was an illusion. Great for secruity and peoples ignorant peace of mind. But that is what people wanted. Security. So they believed.

The computer has not changed people. People have been fed what they wanted. Now we have the computer and associated things acting as a channel and opening up minds that question, ask and demand the truth factors. Ugly and reasonable.

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